As the last few days of the year approach I feel calm. Much has been accomplished this year, despite the dreaded virus. We stayed save, we experienced changes, we embarked on new projects. All good things to celebrate this year.
Reason No. 1 to Celebrate Now
This has been a year of Doing and Completion.
Spring time was fun at Modernism Week Palm Springs, events, lectures, cocktails at sunset. Then a move to the Boise area, we live lakeside now, in a different seasonal environment. The move was exhausting, but we are excited about new places to discover.
Summer in Switzerland, also lakeside, work and some fun, finished the renovation project of the house. September arrived quickly with a short trip back to Morocco. Then we jetted away to the states. A family wedding in San Diego at the end of September brought joy, and time to see friends again.
Then on to Boise to enjoy our new home and continue to unpack our things. Fall in Idaho was glorious with all the intense colors. As we explored Eastern Idaho we were awed by powerful scenery, waterfalls, mountains and gorges. We feel very fortunate to live here.
As Winter arrived life slowed down. A frosty landscape, ice covered trees greeted us in the mornings. A different magical setting when ice crystals shimmer in the sun light. Christmas was quiet, a Winter Berry themed tree, candle light, new friends and good food to enjoy.
Reason No. 2 to Celebrate Now
This has been a year to discover new joys at home.
The festive Season between Christmas and the end of the year is the perfect opportunity to find joys at home. To dress up, toast with a glass of Pinot Grigio, taste new appetizers, we invited a friend that I missed seeing.
Another evening was an opportunity to have a date at home, celebrate the time in between. Time to wear a silky blouse, high heels, a skirt that makes me feel sexy. We dance, I hear Frank’s voice in the background, as he sings …just the way you look tonight …
A little more Champagne. It feels perfect. I’m in love.
To celebrate now is more fun
Reason No. 3 to Celebrate Now
This has been a year to explore New Opportunities.
Professionally we all faced challenges this year. When we navigated through unexpected changes new opportunities opened up. We changed our surroundings and our perspective. We had to look at different venues to find ways to create revenue. In the new year changes are exciting, we pivot, ideas come flowing.
Reason No. 4 to Celebrate Now
This is a year to make new Travel Plans.
Now that a vaccine is near, we can make travel plans to see far away places again, or places we haven’t visited in a while. We can’t wait to fly to the Bahamas again, visit new islands, walk along the beach. Next on the list is a trip back to Europe in January. See family, revisit old friends.
In the next few days I will make my top travel list for 2021. This will be fun.
The world will open up again. We can live life on a broader scale. That is the best reason to celebrate.
Just as I hear Frank sing in his unique voice…
The Best is Yet to Come, and Babe won’t it be fine.
I do agree. Celebrate today! Open that bottle of Champagne…