Pucci reimagined Ravello meets Palm Beach...
It is fun to be a new kind of Tourist. A Resort Tourist in a fun place in 2017. I was taken to a place of tradition, a courtyard at the Villa Rufolo, a Palazzo on the Amalfi Coast. I was meandering down a path along some old stone walls against the intense blue of the sky.
I felt a fresh vibe, the patterns reminded me of iron gate ornaments and wall inlays. The colors were bright citrus colors, full of hues of juicy lemons or oranges, I could envision them dangling on a tree, or freshly picked in a basket, intermingled with leaves in rich dark greens. The light was stark against the azure blue of the sky. Yes, I could feel the sun burning on my skin right here, at this sunny coast in Ravello.
This is the vibe I get, when I see the new Spring 2017 collection of Emilio Pucci, designed by Massimo Giorgetti. Seductive Italo Feeling, full of reminders of iconic places mixed up with a quirky edge.
Orange is the new Pucci, the Silk Bermuda Top... the white Tie dress
Massimo Giorgetti channels the 60's Jet Set vibe of the Italian Coast into a vibe of Today. The patterns remind me of Napoli at first, then a hint of Dolce & Gabbana oppulence, exuberant "La Dolce Vita" fun, then the patterns become geometric and angular.
Emilio Pucci's legendary design style can be felt in this collection. In an interview Giorgetti said, ..."I was trying to find a personal interpretation, respectful yet modern,"...
I think, Mr. Giorgetti cleverly plays with our own Tourist moments, our own travel memories. When we see the orange top with these Bermuda shorts, we can be Modern Tourists of a New Jet Set era, even if we just go to Palm Beach...
The play with asymmetry in the full skirt, paired with a top with flouncy details, is modern again, the traditional patterns, paired with lines or waves of color, remind me of a wave in a pool. The stylized Bambou stalks and branches in the white Tie dress says vacation.
My Pucci Fabulous Edits for you!
Choose your Favorites...
At SFA El Paseo, I can touch the soft fabric of these Pucci tops, gaze at the colors of the prints, be inspired for my next trip. I decide which skirts and shorts I will choose. May be the green grommet scarf skirt.
It is just one more step, to imagine myself walking down the cobble stone streets. I feel inspired, just like Emilio Pucci did when he designed his iconic prints.
Enjoy some of the vintage Pucci designs,
vintage Pucci photos: photo credit: photographer unkown
new Pucci design photos: SFA El Paseo by Jasmin B.