Fountain in Le Jardin Secret brings cooling on a hot day
On my way along Rue Mouassine the road was dusty, the sun was hot, I felt weary. I stopped, a sign with the name Le Jardin Secret peeked my interest. I felt intrigued, this sounded too good, may be.
As I glanced through the entry gate, I was surprised to find this gem in a bustling street. Through the iron gate next to the visitor’s desk, I saw a fountain, water was gently flowing to a small pond in front of a red Pavilion further back.
There is a certain symmetry, in this beauty. On both sides plants offer shade, along the water feature. As I approached, I could hear the trickle of the fountain, a bowl was overflowing. The flow of the water offered cooling and cleansing.
A fountains stands as a metaphor of life in the desert. As if, we get a glimpse of paradise if we are in a garden with a fountain that splashes drops of water high into the air.
Le Jardin Secret, in the Mouassine area of the Medina, on the North west side, offers such a hidden glimpse of paradise. Once a residence of importance, and object of power struggles by past owners, Le Jardin Secret is now a calm oasis in the busy Medina.
A significant architectural feature of the buildings are the 2 towers next to each other. Visitors can climb up the towers to the café, relax under the shade of the umbrellas, in the hot afternoon sun.
Filled with trees, flowers, blooming bushes and charming benches, Le Jardin Secret, is one of my favorite spots of the Medina. The garden had been abandoned for years, and has been rediscovered by the owners of Café Arabe, (located across the street) a few years ago. Now lovingly restored, we can escape on a hot day into a once hidden, secret garden. As we sit on the graceful benches watching the water drops dance in the sun, we can find our moment in paradise here in the Medina.
Years ago, when peeking through the cracks in the boarded up walls of the property, the owners of Café Arabe rediscovered the abandoned derelict hidden former garden. They shared the courage and vision to bring it back to the thriving garden we enjoy today. As the graceful fountains in Le Jardin Secret delight visitors, we feel thankful, we are able to relate to them, as we revel in the rich past of this once secret garden.
The charms of Marrakesh unfold slowly for those who take the time to discover a world rich in colors and beauty.
Enjoy find bliss in Le Jardin Secret Marrakech
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