The golden girl of fashion in the 70s, so today. Marisa Berenson
A Fashion Flash from the Past. Fashion's Darling of the 70s, the beautiful Marisa Berenson in a 70s pose. She was one of the models of the moment, to see her versatility, to become a different person for a photo shoot is fascinating. She projected a certain style for a photo, then created a different persona in her private life that made her famous.
The grand daughter of Elsa Schiaparelli must have inherited her style gene and the talent to style herself, as if life was a perpetual runway. Yves St. Laurent considered her one of his muses, while she wore his creations, as if he had designed them especially for her.
The revival of 70s brand GUCCI fits this image with Marisa B. perfectly. I want to discover more and see how a brand transforms itself to evolve with products that are relevant today. Just like the silhouette of this shift dress with golden scales could be designed today. May be this image was the inspiration for some of the dresses with scales in the Prada collection.
We seem to forget the Past in today's fast changing fashion calender, luckily some images and Looks continue to inspire us now.
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photo credit: photographer unkown